
I know that the Republican revolt against Bush has lifted many right-wingers’ spirits, but at ground zero in the immigration bill debate, which is the United States Senate, things do not look good. According to Kate O’Beirne at the Corner 30 minutes ago:

Unless some killer amendment is adopted, some Senate insiders agree that the immigration bill can be expected to pass with between 60 and 70 votes. We are hearing that final action could be delayed until next week as Mitch McConnell is insisting that Republicans be given time to offer their amendments.

I don’t know what to say. I guess this means that virtually all Democrats support it plus at least 10 Republicans. What is going on in these senators heads? Have they read nothing about this bill? Do they know nothing of what’s in it? Have they read no articles exposing its lies and loopholes? Are they not aware of the outrage in the country?

It seems as if the Senate is closed off in a world of its own. All that’s been happening over these last couple of weeks is that various senators propose amendments to the bill , which are voted up and down. They do not seem to be looking at the bill as a whole and considering the actual provisions in the actual bill. For example, they’re not looking at the fact that the illegal aliens get instantly legalized as soon as the bill passes. Instead of deliberating on this massive piece of legislation, they are engaged in a robotic, zombie-like process.

When speaking to senators’ staff, we need to ask them questions like this: “Is the Senate aware that the aliens get legalized instantly, which makes the whole premise of the bill a lie?” And, “When do they debate the bill itself, and not just the amendments?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2007 04:03 PM | Send

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