An immigration prediction, 2004

And here is something else from 2004. When the Bush administration announced, immediately after the November 2004 election, that comprehensive immigration reform would be a top priority of President Bush’s second term, I wrote:

Do Senor Bush and his crew really think they can get away with this? It got nowhere last year. But like the Undead, they keep back coming at you. I think Senor Bush will have a revolution on his hands if he actually tries to push this madness once again on the American people.

As an example of the revolution on the immigration issue that I predicted would occur if Bush seriously tried to push through his open-borders scheme, Peggy Noonan, a long-time open-borders neocon who just five years ago derided any traditional, non-ideological sense of America as “mud,” called yesterday for a moratorium on all immigration.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2007 01:56 PM | Send

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