McConnell wavering

On June 17, Republican Leader Mitch McConnell indicated he was unsure of the immigration bill’s chances. I commented:

If, just three days after his and Sen. Reid’s frightful victory in getting enough GOP senators to sign on to the bill to make it worth Reid’s while to return the bill to the Senate floor, McConnell could speak so uncertainly of its prospects for passage, then clearly he and Reid do not have the sure support for the bill that they thought they had.

But now McConnell has gone further. According to an AP story filed last evening, McConnell now says he is unsure whether he himself will vote for the bill. Given that the entire life of the Kill-American Act has been driven by the shark-like determination of its main backers to push it through no matter what, McConnell’s ambivalence changes the whole chemistry of the situation. When even the top generals don’t believe in the battle, it’s time for the army to head home.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 22, 2007 08:41 PM | Send

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