President announces deportation of illegal immigrants

Stanley Kurtz writes at the Corner:

In a move that will surprise—maybe even shock—America’s conservatives, the president has apparently decided to put deportation at the forefront of his immigration policy. This is not window-dressing, but a serious and sweeping national crackdown on illegal immigration. The president has set tough numerical goals for yearly expulsions, and quotas for questioning suspected illegal aliens.

The only drawback here is that I’m talking about the president of France.

In addition to France, the EU apparently is putting in place a serious program to arrest illegals in Europe and sent them back to their countries. Kurtz points out tha the mainstream media have been silent about these developments in Europe.

- end of initial entry -

Gintas writes:

“…the EU apparently is putting in place a serious program to arrest illegals in Europe and sent them back to their countries.”

Maybe they’re galvanized by the fear of a Christian or two sneaking in.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 25, 2007 09:41 AM | Send

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