The lie of race-blindness
Our official ideology tells us that race doesn’t matter and that decent people never notice race. But, as we’ve seen over the last half-century, the real-world result of saying that race doesn’t matter is that the society begins to admit tens of millions of people of different races while also removing all traditional social barriers between the races. As a result of these dramatic changes, the society naturally begins to celebrate the way that it has changed, i.e., it celebrates the fact that it is becoming nonwhite. The celebration of nonwhiteness implicitly downgrades the historical white majority character of the country, about which, of course, nothing positive can ever be said. All of which grossly contradicts the idea that race doesn’t matter. When a historically all-white country (such as Britain) or majority-white country (such as the U.S.) embraces the ideology of race-blindness, the race-blindness immediately turns into anti-whiteness. We must distinguish between situations where the liberal neutrality of race-blindness is possible, and situations where it is not possible. The liberal neutrality of race-blindness is possible in relation to the ordinary interactions between the state and its citizens in a settled society with an agreed-upon majority culture that is not being threatened. The liberal neutrality of race-blindness is not possible when the entire character and identity of a society are up for grabs. In the latter case, race-blindness is merely a weapon to discriminate against and dispossess the majority race. Therefore the only way to keep a historically white society from becoming anti-white is to defend and preserve its historic whiteness.
Dan M. writes:
This short piece is an extremely powerful argument—and very useful and valuable because of its shortness. In dealing with leftists we are often dealing with an unnaturallly curtailed or diminished rational faculty. They have neither the patience nor good will necessary to listen to long-winded and rambling disquisitions into the whole truth. We and they both need short, powerful and indefeasible arguments that proceed from simple premises. If I am understanding you correctly, you are saying there is a logical entailment here that follows ineluctably from the acceptance of the need for or celebration of diversity/multicultrualism, namely, anti-white prejudice. I think it has to be so; if we really “need” this social/cultural fix, then we evidently “need” to overcome whiteness, or European man. I think the entailment holds, and the argument demonstrates that the diversitybags are necessarily anti-white. Now this is something I can really use in the trenches!LA replies:
Thanks. Yes, it is necessary to reduce the whole dynamic to its essential points that anyone can understand and no one can deny. This is why we need to focus on the precise point where there is a contradiction or injustice and not go into side issues.Ben W. writes:
The short note you have posted, “The lie of race-blindness,” is the single best passage written that I’ve ever seen on the race issue. Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 26, 2007 12:25 PM | Send Email entry |