DeMint calls the immigration bill a “war” against America

Look at this powerful statement by Sen. DeMint:

When the U.S. Senate brought the Amnesty bill back up this week, they declared war on the American people. [Italics added.] This act created a crisis of confidence in their government. Thankfully, the American people won today. This is remarkable because it shows that Americans are engaged and they care deeply about their country. They care enough for their country to get mad and to fight for it, and that’s the most important thing of all. Americans made phone calls and sent letters, and convinced the Senate to stop this bill.

Wow. I see it that way. Lots of us see it that way. I didn’t expect a U.S. Senator, even one on our side, to see it that way.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 28, 2007 05:38 PM | Send

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