Now that amnesty has been stopped, is Muslim immigration next?

“In Penny Lane there is a bomber showing photographs”
—dingoatemebaby on July 1, 2007 at 1:58 PM, at

George writes:

I thought you might be interested to see how ordinary run of the mill Republican voters (as opposed to the haughty Republican elites and talk show hosts) are reacting to the recent Muslim terror plots in the United Kingdom.

“If they are not citizens, why even allow them a visa into the country? Oh, I’m sure the human rights nuts will howl, but screw ‘em.”
Blake on July 1, 2007 at 7:21 PM

Many of the commenters are questioning why we are allowing Muslims into Western nations at all. Even a a few years ago, few posters on and other web forums questioned whether we should allow Muslims to enter Western nations.

I am pleased to see that average Americans are starting to say what “conservative” commentators/talk show hosts/news magazines SHOULD have been saying, ie, that Muslims must NEVER be allowed to immigrate to any Western nation (Indeed they should not be allowed in any non-Muslim Third World nation such as India or Thailand either.)

Now that the grassroots voters who were so vital to shooting down amnesty are openly talking about restricting/forbidding Muslim immigration to the West, the question becomes, how long can establishment mouth pieces like National Review and Rush Limbaugh avoid talking about the option of banning Muslim immigration completely?

Who will be the first major establi-con to come out and say that no members of a huge section of the Third World may be allowed to move permanently to the West?

As you have pointed out, establishment conservatives avoided the immigration issue—even ILLEGAL immigration, which should have been a no-brainer—as long as possible, until Bush forced the issue so hard they HAD to address immigration.

How much longer can establi-cons dodge talking about banning Muslim immigration, now that the stakes are being raised to life and death—and potentially nuclear—levels by Islam itself?

Not much longer is my guess.

Perhaps you could get the issue rolling by challenging a National Review writer like Frum or Derbyshire to state how they would handle the Muslim immigration question if they were King?

Keep up the good work.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2007 01:50 AM | Send

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