Novak’s anger

A reactive, resentful column by the Beltway golum Robert Novak on the defeat of his open-borders Precious, complete with bitter swipes at the “xenophobes” (the great majority of the American people) who opposed it. He offers no argument to back up the charge, of course. Like so many other advocates of an Hispanicized America, Novak feels free to smear as haters the not-yet-Hispanicized American people who simply want their laws enforced.

This supposedly hard-headed D.C. veteran concludes : “Republicans … undermined hopes for winning the growing, and winnable, Hispanic vote.”

Winnable? Would someone please ask Novak if he thinks the Republican party can actually gain the support of the majority of Hispanic voters? If he does not think that it can (and no sane person even pretends to think it can), then the exploding Hispanic population that he favors via open borders, along with its growing vote, spells the doom of the GOP, as I discussed yesterday.

What a prize Novak is. A “conservative” columnist who hates Israel, and despises Americans, and can’t think his way out of a paper bag.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2007 12:37 PM | Send

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