A letter to Melanie Phillips

Karen sent the below e-mail to Melanie Phillips:

Dear Melanie,

After this weekend, it should be obvious that the continued presence of Moslems in Britain is a threat to our safety and none of the increased security measures which you propose in your Daily Mail article will have the slightest impact in reducing either the threat or the incidence of terrorist attacks. Moslems are too numerous and dispersed to monitor thoroughly.

Given that Moslem terrorists are motivated by Islamic theology and not a perversion of this theology (the Koran mandates violence against the infidel) and the fact that we have no means of predicting which Moslems will turn to violence, all Moslems must be considered a threat. For each terrorist, there are many more providing financial and logistic support. The inherent logic of the Koran leads to global jihad, thus non violent Moslems do not have a viable defence against the violent ones or an effective means of controlling them.

The danger is thus Islam and not the neologism Islamism which falsely implies that Islamic terrorism is a perversion or extremist form of the original religion. The only effective means of eliminating Islamic terror and rendering our society safe from random acts of mass murder, is the steady removal of Moslems and Islamic culture from Britain. All Third World immigrants retain their ancestral nation passports as citizenship is essential for property and business ownership in most Third World countries, and particularly Islamic ones.

Britain must refuse entry to Moslems, deport those who are here illegally and start a gradual emigration of Moslems who have acquired British citizenship to their ancestral lands where they can live in Moslem societies and conduct themselves as they please without bothering us.

As long as Britain continues to permit immigration of Moslems on a permanent or temporary basis, we have no defence against their intimidatory and destructive violence. Why do you not make this clear in your articles?

Best wishes,

- end of initial entry -

Jeff in England writes:

Regarding Karen’s points, I have said before how counterproductive it is to be talking about removal of Muslims who are legally here and possibly born here as well. Removal of Muslims from the UK is NOT to going to happen, END OF STORY.

In addition, we haven’t even made much progress on stopping Muslim immigration to the UK let alone carrying out any degree of removal of Muslims. Talk of removal is babytalk pure and simple. A complete waste of time. We have to get serious and concentrate on some level of immigration restriction here in Britain. Of course I would prefer zero Islamic immigration but we may have to compromise on that.

LA replies:

Well, what’s the point of stopping new ones from coming in if the ones already there are a danger? I think that I myself said to Karen regarding an earlier e-mail she sent to Phillips that she should just talk about stopping new immigration, that that’s a no-brainer and there’s no excuse for not calling for at least that much, while the idea of removing people is a vastly harder issue and so should be left aside for now. But one can’t be a cop all the time, either on one’s own thoughts, or on others’. The basic logic of the situation can’t be suppressed.

We need to see this problem in mental, spiritual terms. Two months ago the entire establishment was telling us that Bush’s comprehensive immigration bill was a done deal. It wasn’t. The spiritual resistance to it on the part of hundreds of thousands and millions of Americans stopped it.

As long as we accept mentally the prospect of an Islamified West, then that is our fate. If we don’t accept it, if we insist on the fundamental wrongness and unacceptable quality of it, then that opens up new possibilities that we may not even be able to see at the moment. I dream of things that never were (under liberalism), and ask, why not?

Larry G. writes:

You took Robert Kennedy’s famous line and used it against liberalism: “I dream of things that never were (under liberalism), and ask, ‘why not?’”

How about this?

“We choose to remove Muslims from the West, and to do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard!”

(Based on President Kennedy’s September 1962 speech calling for a mission to the moon.)

LA replies:

Ha ha ha ha. That’s exactly the kind of thing we need. Taking the idealistic, uplifting slogans of liberalism and using them to fight back against the terrible problems (the supposedly insoluble problems) that liberalism has created.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2007 03:46 PM | Send

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