Cal Thomas: No more Muslim immigrants; and a call to activism on Muslim immigration

I am told that Cal Thomas appearing on “The O’Reilly Factor” last night with Michelle Malkin as guest host stood by his position expressed on the radio the other day—and making it more explicit than before—that all Muslim immigration should be stopped.

Since at least the 9/11 attack, like Cato the Elder ending his every speech with the demand that Carthage must be destroyed, I have been saying over and over that “Muslims do not belong in significant numbers in any Western country, period.” Leaving aside for the moment the question of what to do about Muslims already living in the West, my position means, at a minimum, that all Muslim immigration into the U.S. should stop, not just the immigration of Muslims from Muslim countries, but the immigration of Muslims from any country.

And now for the first time a mainstream opinion maker has taken the same radical position. The fanaticism of the open borders camp led by President Bush, and now the Muslim Doctor’s plot, have pushed conservatives to a higher level of seriousness about the immigration problem.

I’m also told that today on Fox News host David Asman asked a group of panelists if they thought Muslim immigration should be stopped, and two of them said yes, albeit weakly. The Fox channel should be thanked for bringing up this subject.

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RG writes:

Yes, I saw Cal Thomas with Michelle Malkin hosting last night on The O’Reilly Factor and he indeed did stick to his guns about reducing or stopping Muslim immigration.

Also, this morning, just about an hour ago, my wife mentioned to me that she saw a Fox business/financial discussion about stopping Muslim immigration.

And finally, a few nights ago, political hack Dick Morris said we need to stop Muslim immigration to Michelle Malkin on The Factor, in promotion of his new book.

Steven H. writes:

VFR readers should respond to any program that raises the topic of Muslim immigration into the United States. The topic is starting to get traction and we need to start a grass roots movement to stop this invasion.

This morning on Fox the Steve Forbes Show posed the question to viewers, “Should all Muslim immigration be stopped?” It’s a beginning and you can still respond to this question at Please do.

Any time we get an opportunity, be it to call a radio program, calling an ignorant congressman, or emailing a TV program, we must jump on it. Not just by ourselves but also by getting as many like minded people responding in large numbers and as quickly as possible. The survival of our country depends upon us.

It works. Look at what happened to the immigration bill.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 07, 2007 11:26 AM | Send

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