The VFR message about Islam has broken into the mainstream

Here’s a complete quote from Cal Thomas, budding separationist, from his July 2 radio program:
How much longer should we allow people from certain lands, with certain beliefs to come to Britain and America and build their mosques, teach hate, and plot to kill us? OK, let’s have the required disclaimer: Not all Muslims from the Middle East and Southeast Asia want to kill us, but those who do blend in with those who don’t. Would anyone tolerate a slow-spreading cancer because it wasn’t fast-spreading? Probably not. You’d want it removed.


Imagine the Islam “debate” thus far as a large white beach by the edge of the ocean with waves crashing in the surf. Up to this point, some mainstream Islam critics, including some very prominent and distinguished ones, have remained comfortably on their blankets, not wanting to get their feet wet even a little. Others have walked gingerly up to the edge of the surf and stuck their toes in the water. Others have walked in up their knees. Rep. Virgil Goode manfully strode in up to his waist. Thomas has dived in! The issue has been named at last and it will never be the same again. When others discuss the Islam problem from now on they will have to respond, one way or another, to what Thomas has said. Everyone will have to get in the water.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 07, 2007 07:09 PM | Send

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