A worry, a warning, or a threat?

Minette Marrin, a gentle soul who reminds me a bit of Peggy Noonan, has a quietly anguished column in the Times of London in which she speaks of the loss of trust in Britain between the Muslims and everyone else. Marrin seems a bit slow on the uptake. For example, she says, “I … have my doubts” about the Muslim Council of Britain. Just, uh, doubts? My gosh, it was the head of the MCB who said last year, or rather threatened, that British “stereotyping” of Muslims would turn all two million Muslims in Britain into terrorists. Doesn’t that take the MCB a bit beyond the “doubtful” stage? Perish the comparison, but I feel like David Cameron at Prime Minister’s Question Time last Wednesday saying to Gordon Brown, “Hizb ut Tarhir calls for the murder of Jews. What more evidence do you need to prove that they are a terrorist organization that should be banned?”

While Marrin frames her article as a regretful meditation on a generalized “loss of trust” from which everyone will equally suffer, what she is really doing is making an indirect threat. Between the lines, she is saying to the Muslims: stop acting like enemies, or we are going to start treating you like enemies.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2007 12:56 AM | Send

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