The act of denial that constitutes moderate Muslims

Larry G. writes:

“These people are not from us and we are not from them,” said a statement by the Association of Muslim Health Professionals.

One of my favorite movies is the 1956 sci-fi classic “Forbidden Planet.” At the climax of the movie, with the invisible monster breaking down the door to kill Dr. Morbius, his daughter, and the spaceship commander, Morbius finally confronts the reality that everyone else has already discovered, that HE is the source of the monster. It is a projection of his own subconscious mind, the “mindless primitive” within himself, given almost infinite power by an alien technology he barely understands.

Muslims remain in denial of the fact that THEY are creating the terrorist monster. It is the savage, primitive ideology of Islam internalized by every one of the billion plus Muslims, given power by trillions of dollars of oil revenue and western technology they barely understand, that is destroying everything they consciously and unconsciously hate.

We’re in a race to see whether Muslims can confront and destroy their own monsters before we are forced to destroy them at the source.

LA replies:

I think Larry is giving the Muslims more credit than they deserve. As Larry describes the movie, Dr. Morbius truly does not know that the monster comes from himself. By contrast, the moderate Muslims are playing a transparent game of denial. For them to say that the jihadists “are not of us” is simply a lie, because all Muslims regard all other Muslims as their brothers. They are part of one nation. Someone who follows the Five Pillars of Islam, whether or not he commits terrorism, is a good Muslim.

The fact that Muslims cannot be truthful toward non-Muslims is, in and of itself, grounds for excluding all Muslims from non-Muslim countries. Muslims are, as Muslims, incapable of being our friends and fellow citizens. This doesn’t mean that they are bad people. Indeed, the question of whether they are “good” or “bad” people is irrelevant, since they are formed by and live according to a moral code that is utterly incompatible with ours. What is relevant about them—the only thing we need to understand about them—is that they are Muslims..

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2007 01:11 AM | Send

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