Blistering McKinstry calls out Brown on his fraudulent patriotism

I was about to summarize Leo McKinstry’s column, but he says it so well himself there’s no point:

For months Gordon Brown has been trumpeting his attachment to British values. He claims he wants to see the Union flag flying over public buildings and has called for a national day when we can all celebrate our British identity. In the wake of the recent terror-ist attacks, he promised the extremists would never undermine “the British way of life.”

Coming from the head of a Government that has done so much to destroy the integrity of Britain, this is hard to stomach. Over the past 10 years, Brown has been one of the dominant figures in a Labour Cabinet that has systematically surrendered our sovereignty to Brussels, ruthlessly promoted mass immigration, dangerously weakened the unity of the UK and held our national heritage in contempt.

And it gets better as it goes along.

Now if McKinstry would articulate a coherent position on what to do about immigration, instead of just complaining about it, he’d really be cooking.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 09, 2007 09:49 PM | Send

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