Pope Benedict a hard-liner on Protestantism

Vatican document approved by Pope, July 9, 2007:

Pope Benedict XVI declared yesterday that Christian denominations other than his own were not true churches and their holy orders have no value….

The document claimed the Catholic church was the “one true church of Christ”.

Pope in St. Peter’s Square, September 20 , 2006:

I hope that on different occasions during my visit … my profound respect for the great religions, and in particular for the Moslems, who “adore the one God” and with whom we are engaged in “defending and promoting together, for all men, social justice, moral values, peace and freedom” (Nostra Aetate, 3) was clearly apparent.

Hey, don’t get me wrong, a serious Catholic has got to believe that Protestantism is wrong, and a serious Protestant has got to believe that Catholicism is wrong. But it sure does bother me, to see the pope being far nicer to the Muslims, his “fellow adorers of the one God,” than to his fellow Christians.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2007 08:56 PM | Send

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