More on William Lind

The discussion on William Lind continues, including Simon N.’s pro-Lind materials, and my materials going back to 2002 supporting my contention that Lind expresses himself in a way that is reasonably seen as anti-American, and, recently, that he is even cheering on Hamas against Israel. The dynamic in Lind’s writings is not hard to fathom. In addition to his pre-existing rage against modern America, he has invested so much emotion in his attack on our government for its failure to understand and deal with “fourth-generation warfare,” that he ends up identifying with those wily “fourth-generation” warriors of jihad who are proving his theories correct.

Update: Here is something on Lind’s evident enthusiasm, in an article at the paleo-libertarian website last summer, for the brilliantly effective “non-state” Hezbollah over the “state” of Israel (“non-state” good, “state” bad).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 29, 2007 02:47 PM | Send

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