Tancredo in Iowa

I’ve heard indications that there are promising signs for Tom Tancredo in the Iowa straw poll, coming up on Saturday. Go Tom Go!

Meanwhile, over on the dark side, Madame, says Powerline, has a 2 to 1 lead over Obama and the nomination is hers.

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A reader writes:

Your indications are correct. I am a volunteer working in Iowa for Tancredo, and he has been picking up a surge of last minute voters. The response has been unbelievable. While I think Romney will win, Tancredo will finish 2nd or 3rd, which would be incredible for a candidate who was largely written off by the mainstream press.

I have been making phone calls into Iowa for the last two months talking to all sorts of people across Iowa. I talked to an old woman yesterday who just got out of the hospital and is in a wheelchair, yet she is still going to Ames to vote for Tom. Is this the racist swine that GWB and Linda Chavez were talking about?

Saturday will be a great day. Count on it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 10, 2007 01:37 AM | Send

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