Iowa straw poll

Here are the final results from the Iowa straw poll. Based on a surge in the last few days, Tancredo’s people had been hoping for second or third place, and he almost made third, but the ridiculous Sam “the illegals are marching so we must yield to them” Brownback, of all people, narrowly beat him out, as well as Mike Huckabee, whom I (no disrespect intended) consider a joke. I found this at the LGF website:

1. Mitt Romney—4516 votes, 31%
2. Mike Huckabee—2587 votes, 18.1%
3. Sam Brownback—2192 votes, 15.3%
4. Tom Tancredo—1961 votes, 13.7%
5. Ron Paul—1305 votes, 9.1%
6. Tommy Thompson—1,009 votes, 7.3%
7. Fred Thompson—231 votes
8. Rudy Giuliani—183 votes
9. Duncan Hunter—174 votes
10. John McCain—101 votes
11. John Cox—41 votes

However, look at it this way. Of the three people that beat Tancredo, only one is a serious candidate, Romney. So I consider that Tancredo really came in second. In fact, if we eliminate the five I would consider irrelevant, we have a dramatically different picture, with Romney way out in front, Tancredo a strong second, and the four others way, way behind. Go Tom Go!

1. Mitt Romney—4516 votes
2. Tom Tancredo—1961 votes
3. Fred Thompson—231 votes
4. Rudy Giuliani—183 votes
5. Duncan Hunter—174 votes
6. John McCain—101 votes

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 11, 2007 11:56 PM | Send

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