Giuliani’s modified, limited Bushism

Rudolph Giuliani—or rather his brain trust—has written an article on his foreign policy for Foreign Affairs. From Richard Lowry’s summary of it, it sounds like Jackie Mason’s joke about the Jewish man in the restaurant: “Give me idealism, but not too much idealism… And bring me some realism—but don’t make it too realistic! Democracy, but not too democratic … And I want strength, but mix it with diplomacy … but not too much diplomacy….”

Lowry, ever ready to advise Giuliani on striking just the right rhetorical note, is impressed. Giuliani’s judicious balancing between Bushism and not quite non-Bushism but not Bushism either, “strikes me as about right,” he judiciously concludes.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 17, 2007 01:50 AM | Send

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