Frum realizes mass nonwhite immigration is disaster for GOP

Reading a report by Democratic consultant Stanley Greenberg saying that voters under the age of 30 favor the Democrats by a margin of 19 points, David Frum does a shocking thing: he looks at the data in racial terms and draws rational conclusions about them. He finds that young white people actually favor the Republicans by a margin of two points, and that the big GOP disadvantage is to due to a 78 point anti-GOP margin among blacks and a 43 point margin among Hispanics. About which he observes:

[W]ith the huge surge of immigration since 1980—and especially since 2000—the voting map of the United States has been redrawn in ways inherently deeply unfavorable to the GOP.

Meaning, immigration is making America ever more nonwhite, and ever-poorer, which will mean the eclipse of the Republican party and the subjection of the country to left-wing rule.

He concludes:

[T]he legacy that will damage [George W. Bush’s] party is the legacy of immigration non-enforcement. This has imported a large new community of people who are both economically struggling (and thus open to Democratic arguments) but who lack deep attachment to the American nation (and who are thus immune to the most potent of Republican appeals). It is these voters who will sway elections in future. And thanks to this president’s immigration policies, there are going to be a lot more of them than there might otherwise have been.

Congratulations to David Frum for finally acknowledging at least some aspects of the world of racial reality that he’s been denying for the last 15 years.

Unfortunately, Frum, like so many people who write on this subject, even Patrick Buchanan, blurs the issue between legal and illegal immigration, evidently because to challenge legal immigration would be to challenge the heart of liberalism itself. First he correctly speaks of the “huge surge of immigration since 1980,” meaning total immigration, legal and illegal. But then he shifts terms and blames the problem on President Bush’s “non-enforcement,” as though the only problem were illegal immigration. But of course what has transformed the American population, from 89 percent white in 1960 to 67 percent white today, and what will doom the GOP (not to mention the whole country) if it’s not stopped, is not just illegal immigration, but the non-discriminatory legal immigration we have had for the last 40 years under the 1965 Immigration Act. If the newly race-conscious David Frum wants to save white America, even if only to save the GOP, he must either call for the repeal of our current immigration law, which gives equal immigration rights to the people of every country on earth, or call for a drastic reduction of overall numbers.

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Tim W. writes:

I would never have guessed that young white voters favor the GOP by even a narrow margin. Considering how well they’ve been indoctrinated by the public schools and MTV, it’s amazing.

The usual media spin on why young voters overall are trending Democrat is self-serving pablum. Young people, we’re told, are idealistic supporters of social justice, so naturally they support liberals. We’re also told (with no sense of contradiction) that they’re hedonistic and thus support abortion, homosexuality, trial marriages, and watered-down cafeteria-style religions.

It’s good to see that at least young whites aren’t totally lost. But if the immigrant flood continues, it won’t make any difference in the long run.

Mark Jaws writes:

If non-white immigration trends and white behavior were to continue, I would indeed be pessimistic. But white behavior will change. As someone who has been “slugging” (a form of commuter ride sharing) regularly into DC every day, I strongly sense that white people are beginnning to wake up, having realized that even the whitest of lily fieds (e.g., Stafford County) have been penetrated by swarms of illegal Mexicans. With white flight having played itself out, and with suburbanites witnessing the usurpation of their schools and neighborhoods, traditionalists (at least in Red State America) are primed for social and political action. I believe that within five years the views of Mr. Auster and his peers will be mainstream.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 18, 2007 07:55 PM | Send

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