Explaining the interracial rape article again

Andrew writes :

Pat Buchanan wrote about some of the interracial crime stats that you have addressed in the past and which were recently discussed in the Washington Post, crime stats which effectively served as the impetus for your break-up with FrontPage Magazine.

LA replies

I think you already understand this, but just to make sure, the reason for my being banished from FrontPage had nothing to do with my article on interracial rape. Rather, Horowitz had banished me a year earlier, though without telling me he was doing so, on the basis of quotes of articles of mine about race (we don’t know which quotes, because Horowitz has never said) that David Mills, aka Undercover Black Man, had sent him, and which Horowitz said to Mills were “racist and offensive.” Ironically, Horowitz liked my interracial rape article so much that he forgot his year-old, secret determination not to publish me anymore because of my racist and offensive positions, and he published it, which in turn spurred Mills to post at Huffington Post Horowitz’s year-old e-mail to Mills saying he would not publish me any more. When I asked Horowitz to explain his e-mail to Mills, Horowitz told me to go away, thus finally expressing to me his up-to-that-point unexpressed decision to banish me from FrontPage.

In a further irony, Horowitz had also published, also without telling me, my article on racial differences in intelligence, which probably WAS the reason for his banishing me. When a reader discovered the existence of this piece at Horowitz’s Discover the Network website (where it had been posted at least since 2004) and told me about it, I demanded that Horowitz pay me for it, which, after initially refusing, he ultimately did.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2007 08:25 AM | Send

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