
Stuart L. writes:

I’ve only recently found your website and enjoy reading it. In particular, the piece on transcendence (from 2001) is remarkable. It articulates the unspoken and (often) unconscious thoughts of the majority of Western people. It deserves wider exposure and recognition.

So often (dare I say “average”) every day people know what they think about various issues but don’t know why—they don’t teach this stuff at school, or anywhere else.

I’ve never read or heard this issue of “transcendence” discussed before anywhere—ever, but I have immediately identified with it. This is very empowering for me.

LA replies:

Thank you. That means a lot to me.

That essay is an attempt to articulate an experience that I think all of us are having all the time, it’s what gives meaning and value to things, but we don’t have words for it in ordinary language. I also deal with the transcendence theme in Erasing America, published in 2003.

Richard B. writes:

I agree with Stuart L.!

When ever I need a “lift,” I read that piece again.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2007 09:38 AM | Send

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