Boilerplate yesterday, Boilerplate today, Boilerplate forever

For the guys at Powerline, the history of the last six and a half years has been the history of one superb speech by George W. Bush after another—which is not surprising, since it’s always the same speech. Scott of Powerline writes:

If John were not on vacation, he would undoubtedly point out that President Bush gave another excellent speech on the war in which we are engaged, this time to the Veterans of Foreign Wars today. I don’t necessarily agree with everything he said, but he certainly sees the big picture clearly.

What different perceptions of reality. For year after year we’ve been pounded on the head, our spirits flattened, by Bush’s speeches with their brainless boilerplate globalist ideological puffery and their absurd and intellectually insulting historical analogies, such as that the occupation of Iraq is like the occupation of Germany and Japan, all of it so alienating I can’t remember the last time I cared to watch him on television. The Powerline guys read or watch the same speeches, with the same repeat lines such as that democratizing Iraq is like democratizing Japan, and how we must stay the course, and they go, “Another excellent speech by President Bush.”

Excellent, compared to what? Compared to anything said by the loony destructive left. Throughout his presidential career, Bush’s enemies have been the main thing he has had going for him. If the Democratic party were rational, Bush would not have even the limited support he currently has, he would not have been re-elected in 2004, and indeed he would not have been elected in 2000.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 23, 2007 02:24 PM | Send

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