The strictly logical path to the Orwellian society

The crowd at are hooting it up over John Edwards’s statement that under his national medical plan everyone would be required to see a doctor for preventive care. They’re calling him nuts, crazy, etc. But there’s nothing crazy about it. Once the state pays for everyone’s medical costs, then obviously the state in order to control costs must make sure that people are eating right, exercising, getting preventive care and so on. The logical end point is a Big Brother-type camera in every home in America to make sure everyone is exercising.

The interesting thing is that while the L-dotters oppose universal health coverage, they don’t mock it or call it crazy. But universally required visits to the doctor are no more crazy than universal health coverage.

In a debate around the family dinner table at the time of the Clinton move for nationalized health coverage, I asked a leftist relative if he thought everyone should be required by the federal government to exercise. He forthrightly said yes. I saw it as a shocking confirmation of the totalitarian impulse of the left. But, in light of what I’ve said above, the idea that the federal government should spy on all citizens to make sure they’re exercising is logically implied in, and therefore is no more shocking than, the idea that the federal government shall pay for everyone’s health care. It’s very simple. If you want to be free, you can’t have the state taking care of your material needs.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 02, 2007 09:44 PM | Send

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