The dependable opportunist, cont.

Mitt Romney courted homosexual organizations in his 1994 run for the Senate and his 2002 run for governor, making certain commitments to them regarding his policies on homosexuality and discrimination. The New York Times is trying to paint him as having betrayed his homo-friendly positions. In fact, the Times’ account backs up what VFR said about Romney last March: that he “is an opportunist, but he is an opportunist you can count on. He may bring a girl to the dance for political reasons, but he will stay with the girl he brought.” Thus he did, for the most part, keep his commitments to the homosexuals as governor of Massachusetts. But that dance is over. He’s no longer governor of Massachusetts, he’s a candidate for president of the United States, he’s appealing to a different constituency and making different commitments to them.

—end of initial entry—

Orrin P. sends some Romney slogans:

“An opportunist with a conscience.”

“A man who means what he says when he says it.”

“Pandering … the right way.”

“He’ll get you what you want, unless it’s irreconcilable with what someone else wants.”


However, I continue to say that a reliable opportunist set on winning conservatives’ support is vastly preferable to a liberal.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 08, 2007 07:35 AM | Send

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