Bush’s latest “great” speech

President Bush’s speech last night on Iraq, which John of Powerline predictably called “great” (is there any speech by our numbingly repetitive, nonsense-spouting prez the Powerline guys have not praised to the skies?), seems like nonsense to me. In Bush’s latest explanation of the unintelligible, the goal (that is, the goal which is really an uncompleted, never-to-be-completed process—see my discussion of Bob McManus’s column) is that we are going to “start” withdrawing our troops as things in Iraq improve—start withdrawing them, that is, back to the levels prior to the surge. The big assumption is that when we start withdrawing our troops, things won’t return to the way they were before the surge, which required the surge in the first place.

The inability of the Dems to mount a rational and good-faith argument on the war assures that Bush will prevail in this debate again, for at least the next six months, when Gen. Petraeus will give his next report to Congress. In fact, Paul of Powerline says that “The key to the future of Iraq … is what transpires there [in the next six months].” Of course, for the last four years the Bush supporters have been urgently telling us every six months that what happens in the next six months will decide the outcome in Iraq. Talk about permanent war!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 14, 2007 03:13 PM | Send

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