The Long March of the Foot Baths

First it was the University of Michigan-Dearborn, now it’s the Indianapolis International Airport. Currently about 100 cabdrivers at the airport who are followers of Muhammad wash their feet three times during their shift. Either they wash their feet in the single sink of the single restroom that is available to them, which is disgusting to the non-Muslim cabdrivers, or they wash their feet outside using containers filled with water. To solve the problem, the airport’s new terminal, which will be completed next year, will have a restroom with floor level foot sinks for the Muslims.

After reading the Indianapolis Star, read the editor of The American Anti-Thinker, Thomas Lifson, who says this represents creeping dhimmitude. Excuse me, but has Lifson, an orthodox neoconservative and heavy duty supporter of the “war on Islamofascist terror,” ever opposed the immigration of Muslims into this country? Not that I’m aware of. So what did he expect to happen? As a result of our post-1965 immigration laws which do not discriminate among immigrants by nationality or religion (for an explanation of how this happened, see the first chapter of my booklet, The Path to National Suicide, now available in html), about three million Muslims now reside in this country. Muslims are commanded by their god to wash their feet five times a day. If there are no special facilities, they will do it in an ordinary sink, which, as the Indy Star article points out, grosses out the other users. So naturally an institution such as the Indianapolis airport accommodates the situation by building special foot baths for the Muslims, and now Lifson complains that this represents an unconstitutional help to religion.

But whether he calls it creeping dhimmitude, or a First Amendment violation, it’s not going to stop it from happening. Once a society has acquired a large population of Muslims with their very different Muslim customs, the society—one way or another—is going to end up adapting itself to them. If you don’t want a society with Muslim foot baths, you have to have a society without a significant number of Muslims. If you have a society with a significant number of Muslims, you’re going to have Muslim foot baths, as well as five-time-a-day Muslim prayer calls, special Muslim hours at public swimming pools, and public officials taking their oath of office on the Koran, which so mightily exercised Dennis “Open-Borders” Prager last year.

Anyone who ignores this inescapable logic is not a serious person.

Thomas Lifson, Dennis Prager, you are not being serious. Become serious!

* * *

If the likes of Lifson and Prager at least called for an end to Muslim immigration, I would call that a serious position, thought it still wouldn’t be sufficient. For people who are ready for the harder stuff, here’s a proposal that cuts through the surface and gets at the core of the problem: the Abolition of Islam Amendment.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 16, 2007 08:24 PM | Send

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