The best article yet on Jena

As it turns out, the truth about Jena is much worse than even Jared Taylor let on. Eddie Thompson, a minister in Jena whose article has been abridged by Steve Sailer (I assume Thompson is black—correction, he is white), goes into all kinds of details of what happened, including the fact that the blacks of Jena have had nothing to do with the demonstrations, that the media have conflated another Justin who was involved in the noose incident with Justin Barker, and that the same blacks who attacked Justin Barker had been subjecting other whites to a reign of terror that had kept them away from school out of fear for their safety. He makes it clear that the beating had nothing to do with the noose incident. He mentions many shocking things, such as that the media have not told the public that the FBI looked into the noose incident and found no racial motive; such as that the media are characterizing what happened to Barker as a fight, rather than as one person being knocked unconscious to the ground and then kicked by six people; such as that 30 people witnessed the attack; such as that the left are claiming, not just that the “Jena Six” received an excessive indictment, but that they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

I can see it now, an entire neighborhood in Paris, in which each of six streets is named after one of the “Jena Six.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2007 11:00 PM | Send

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