Hollywood’s orgy of anti-Americanism

Looks like one anti-American movie after another is coming out. When I saw an ad for the biblically titled movie “In the Valley of Elah” starring Tommy Lee Jones, I was curious what it was about, so I looked it up and this review and plot summary says it all. Key passage:

Hank stumbles upon early hints when he confiscates, against Army orders, Mike’s cell-phone from his room. The media extracted—serving as flashbacks to Mike’s tour of duty in Iraq—suggest he was involved in orgies of torture and senseless deaths.

Further clues expose unexpected aspects of Mike’s character. Was Hank’s beloved son a sadist, a drug mule, a druggie, a boozer? And maybe Mike’s Army buddies—Corporal Steve Penning (Wes Chatham), Specialist Gordon Bonner (Jake McLaughlin), Specialist Ennis Long (Mehcad Brooks) and Private Robert Ortiez (Victor Wolf)—aren’t so innocent.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 28, 2007 09:04 AM | Send

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