How would you like a convicted serial rapist to be living in your neighborhood?

A serial rapist is released from prision after 24 years and comes to live with his sister in a Connecticut town. Residents are understandably frightened and upset. This is a problem that didn’t use to exist. Convicted rapists used to be executed. When did Western countries stop treating rape as a capital offense?

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Robert B. writes:

When they decided that it was a psychological problem and not a character problem. Of course that goes right along with the idea that black crime is because of their poverty and not their character. When ever you point out to “one of those” types that whites did not respond that way during the great depression and that, in sheer numbers, most of the poor are white, they just stare at you.

Dale Francisco writes:

Though the crime of rape certainly merits the death penalty, I believe that it is best to reserve capital punishment for convicted murderers and traitors.

That rape is punishable only by imprisonment, but murder is punishable—at least theoretically—by death gives the rapist an incentive not to murder his victim, who after all is usually the only witness to the crime.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 13, 2007 11:53 AM | Send

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