The Science Museum’s non-white picture of Britain

No wonder the Science Museum in once-great Britain quickly cancelled James Watson’s scheduled talk this week after he told the Times of London that there are racial differences in intelligence. As can be seen from the photo of its typical visitors at its home page, the Science Museum has gone well beyond diversity. When looking at this photo, remember that in the actual Britain, the population is 90 percent white and 10 percent nonwhite.

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Anthony J. writes from England:

My office looks out onto the Science Museum, and the picture on the website is an exaggeration. There are plenty of school trips to the Science Museum with overwhelmingly white children.

I applied for and got tickets for the James Watson event, and then received an email informing me it was cancelled.

JS writes:

The photo at the top of the page is shocking. The Left has made clear, in innumerable ways, that their goal is to flood the West with dregs of the third world.

Today on NPR the theme of the day has been the plight of Iraqi refugees and the outrageously slow pace of their resettlement to the US. These people have allowed their own country to become an unliveable hellhole and now they must be allowed to come do the same here. NPR and their fellow travelers will not be happy until roadside bombs and suicide vests are as much a problem in New York as they are in Bagdad

LA replies:

“NPR and their fellow travelers will not be happy until roadside bombs and suicide vests are as much a problem in New York as they are in Bagdad”


Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 18, 2007 12:21 PM | Send

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