Why the Science Museum shows its typical visitors as all nonwhite

Laurium writes:

In the entry on the Science Museum’s cancelation of the James Watson’s speech, you write:

“As can be seen from the photo of its typical visitors at its home page, the Science Museum has gone well beyond diversity. When looking at this photo, remember that in the actual Britain, the population is 90 percent white and 10 percent nonwhite.”

And the patrons shown in the photo at the Science Museum website were 100 percent nonwhite.

Theodore Dalrymple explained the causes seven years ago in City Journal. As Dalrymple sees it, if English museums, theatres, parks, orchestras, concert halls, and other entertainment venues cannot lure sufficient numbers of Africans, Asians and Caribbeans to their activities, their government funding will be cut off and redirected to more popular entertainments that the Third-Worlders WILL attend, such as reggae concerts, Wahhabi imam revival services, Hindu Festivals of Light and the like.

All such cultural organizations have to do racial headcounting as the patrons come in the door keeping ongoing tallies of race and ethnicity in order to prove they are “meeting the needs” of the “vibrant and growing multicultural community” that is England.

Not surprisingly, the Science Museum holds little interest for these peasants, who are a curiously unthinking lot. Hence the Science Museum must do its absolute utmost to lure brown people—ANY brown people. Once you realize the great financial pressure they are under, you can see that the least of their problems is the brown masthead photograph. Had they let Watson speak on ANY topic (as their diversity committee told them, I am sure), they could kiss off any future visits by brown children, their brown teachers or their brown parents. A massive overreaction, of course, but it shows the depths to which the British intelligentsia has fallen.

LA replies:

Thanks much for this. The need of Western high cultural and scientific institutions to attract a “representative” number of nonwhite patrons, and their continuing failure to do so, and thus their continuing need to make greater and greater efforts in this direction leading ultimately to abandoning their core Western cultural purpose, as that will be the only way to get enough nonwhites in the door, is an inevitable consquence of mass nonwhite immigration, as I argued in my 1994 AR speech.

[See continuation of this discussion here.]
Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 21, 2007 04:10 PM | Send

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