Columbia University IFAW events are all about victims

Proving my point that the Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is all about the oppression of Muslim victim groups, rather than about the need to protect our society from jihadist Islam, here is an announcement from The Columbia University College Republicans:

The Columbia University College Republicans in coordination with the Terrorism Awareness Project are sponsoring a week of events to remind students at Columbia of the dangers posed by Islamist radicalism. The events will culminate with an address by founder and CCAA President David Horowitz on Friday 10/26.

10/23 Candlelight Vigil
Sundial: 10 AM -12 PM
A Candlelight Vigil for oppressed women, homosexuals, and minorities.

10/24 Oppression Panel
Math 203: 8 pm—10:30pm
Guests Ibn Warraq, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Phyllis Chesler

10/26 Horowitz Keynote Address
Lerner Hall Cinema: 12 pm—1:30pm

There will be a few seats available for alumni who RSVP by Wednesday to . Please include your full name and class year.


I note that two of the three speakers at the 10/24 event are feminists, who obviously will be talking about the mistreatment of women under Islam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 24, 2007 02:08 PM | Send

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