Talk about looking at Muslims through our own filters!

We knew Bush’s brain was a disaster, but we didn’t realize she was this bad. This is the first paragraph of an article by Joel Fishman posted at The Conservative Voice:

Last week in Jerusalem, U.S. Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, articulated some of her personal views which ultimately found their way into the press. For Dr. Rice the struggle of the Palestinians is analogous to that of the Afro-Americans for civil rights and she identifies with the Palestinians. She recalled what it meant to travel in segregated buses as a little girl in Alabama. She also compared the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to Reverend Martin Luther King, because, in her mind, both were committed to peace. According to reporter Aluf Benn, Rice views Abbas as committed to the struggle for Palestinian independence and, like Martin Luther King, opposed to terror and violence (Haaretz, October 16, 2007). Independently, David Bedein reported Rice’s statements in The Bulletin (Philadelphia, October 17, 2007).

David Horowitz looks at the mass murdering jihad warrior Muhammad Atta and sees his Communist father, Phil Horowitz. Condoleeza Rice looks at the Holocaust-denying, Arafat-following Mahmoud Abbas and sees Martin Luther King. The American intellectual and leadership class are a bunch of vain and self-centered mediocrities unable and unwilling to look at reality. The whole world must be about themselves. Everything they see must be a reflection of themselves and of their experiences. A country with such an elite is in serious trouble. We need a new elite, devoted to Western civilization, and devoted to understanding reality—including the reality of Islam—as it really is.

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Larry G. writes:

We certainly are in trouble. While we’re looking for a new elite class, our elites are importing a new servant class. Perhaps I lack imagination, but I don’t see how this situation will resolve itself short of a violent revolution. That may have a better chance of occurring in Europe, since it’s hard to call in the military to quell a revolt when you have no military.

I’m not sure which idea is more disturbing: that we live in an irrational world, or that we don’t. If we live in an irrational world, then we are ruled by our animal instincts. Our actions are no more logical than those of the ape-men in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” who while hiding from the saber-toothed cat began arguing and making noise.

But if we do live in a rational world, then the elites in charge have an agenda that is totally different from that of the bulk of the people. They are deliberately creating a society like that of Latin America, where a small group of elite whites rule, and the compliant, brown masses obey. Long term, we’re heading toward Morlocks and Eloi, and those of us who are neither one nor the other will be the first ones eaten.

James P. writes:

Where is such a new elite to come from? The current elite has spent decades destroying the institutions in which elites are normally generated, in particular, the universities, which only graduate yet more people with heads full of ideological mush who have no knowledge of history, no understanding of Western civilization, no belief that Western civilization is worth defending, and little ability to recognize reality.

LA replies:

I can probably only happen through the development of communities and institutions that consciously reject the present liberal culture and its thought forms. Then over time the culture produced by these communities and institutions will replace the old. America was built once. It could be built again.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 26, 2007 06:39 PM | Send

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