Can the Bush-Rice team get any worse?

Caroline Glick writes at TownHall:

U.S.-backed Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas recently asserted that he will only sign a “peace” treaty with Israel that includes an Israeli commitment to withdraw to the 1949 armistice lines and accept unlimited numbers of foreign-born Arabs, otherwise known as “Palestinian refugees,” as citizens within its truncated borders.

Rather than accept that this position sinks any possibility of reaching any deal, Rice’s response to Abbas’s extremism was to announce that the U.S. will give an additional $450 million to his Israeli-defended Fatah enclave in Judea and Samaria. More than $100m. is earmarked for Abbas’s office.

Glick concludes: “Rice’s interest in establishing a Palestinian state rises in tandem with Palestinian extremism.” Sounds like Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society: the more incompetent, alien, or threatening a minority or non-Western group really is, the more we puff it up, so as to maintain the illusion of equality and sameness. Glick also gives the low-down on the great U.S.-North Korean deal by which North Korean supposedly gave up its capacity to produce nuclear weapons materials. Not at all true.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 06, 2007 01:14 PM | Send

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