The neocons’ hometown paper goes all out for Giuliani’s wife

I have never written at length about the New York Sun, a paper whose daily journalistic solecisms, combined with its nonstop, unconscious, unembarrassed expressions of serf-like subservience to the neocons and Bush, could fill a volume. Here is an article that takes the cake. It is an account by the Sun’s main reporter, Seth Gitell, about a joint appearance in New Hampshire by Judith Giuliani, wife of the neocons’ candidate for president, and Elizabeth Kucinich, the wife of Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich. Note how in this ostensible news story, Gitell slants everything to make Mrs. Giuliani look good and to diminish Mrs. Kucinich. While the New York Times is famous for its editorials disguised as news stories, it has never engaged in partisan propaganda this crude.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2007 11:55 AM | Send

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