Muslim organization in U.S. that seeks Islamic state
This is from the website of the organization As-Sabiqun: As-Sabiqun is an Islamic movement that believes in the Islamic State of North America no later than 2050. Those who engage in this great effort require a high level of commitment and determination. We are sending out a call to the believers: Join with us in this great struggle to change the world!As-Sabique (“The Vanguard”) is headed by Imam Abdul Alim Musa, born in Arkansas, converted to Islam in prison, a supporter of Hezbollah. The organization also qualifies as a charitable organization and solicits donations for “its schools so they can “raise children with a strong Islamic identity … so they could be the ones to mold society instead of having society mold them.” This organization is not terrorist, so far as anyone knows. It’s not using force or intimidation to spread sharia, so far as anyone knows. It is simply a religious organization that seeks to spread belief in its religion. So it’s as American as apple pie, right? Meanwhile, complementing and smoothing the way for the long-term expansive Muslim push toward dominance, mainstream American textbook publishers such as Houghton Mifflin have adopted lock, stock, and barrel the bland, approving portrayal of Islam that has been advocated by Muslim organizations. The books say that Islamic societies provide order, peace, and unity, all of which makes Islam sound attractive and not in the least dangerous or incompatible with our way of life. Gilbert Sewell tells about it in “Islam and the Textbooks: A Reply to the Critics (part one and part two), posted at the Family Security Matters website. Meanwhile, Karen writes from England:
The Islamisation of Britain continues. The Daily Mail has another incident whereby hospital policy now dictates that Muslim patients’ beds must face Mecca, Muslims should be allowed to observe prayer times and have fresh water during prayer sessions. Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 04, 2007 11:40 AM | Send Email entry |