Why his lie does not hurt her

Former President Clinton’s previous multiple statements supporting the invasion of Iraq are quoted by the New York Post to illustrate what a staggering lie he told yesterday when he said that he “opposed [the] Iraq [war] from the beginning.” The Post asks how he could expect to get away with such a bald-faced lie. If VFR readers Sage McLaughlin and Ken Hechtman were correct yesterday, that’s the wrong question. They said that the purpose of Clinton’s remark that he had “opposed Iraq from the beginning” was to send a signal to the left that Hillary is really on their side. The fact that Republicans—and even the mainstream media—will cluck for the thousandth time at the former liar in chief does not take away from the Clintons’ main objective, which is to shore up Hillary’s support among Democratic primary voters.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 29, 2007 09:39 AM | Send

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