GOP debate and immigration

Ray G. from Dearbornistan writes:

Even though I often get dejected about out of control, mass immigration, especially of the illegal variety, I found last night’s Republican debate a little encouraging. The issue does seem front and center now and observers can see how some like Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain cannot seem to comprehend that immigration today is different than the romanticized fantasies in their minds. Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson (to a less degree) have a more up to date, accurate view of what’s going on today.

Romney is somewhere in between. A little better than Giuliani, Huckabee and McCain but not as good as Tancredo, Hunter and Thompson.

As I see it, the major political leaders need to address the core, fundamental issue—do we want to remain a nation or just an employment center for the 3rd world, namely Mexico. A nation needs borders and laws that are consistently enforced. And Mexico’s leaders need to be addressed; need to be told in no uncertain terms, that we can be friends and neighbors but we’re not going to accept tens of millions of their citizens.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 29, 2007 12:40 PM | Send

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