Another amazing sign that mainstream conservatives are rejecting Rudy

A headline today at

N.H., Iowa Republicans care more about terror than Rudy Giuliani’s trysts
Apparently, the Clintons have so lowered the bar on sleazy personal behavior it’s no longer a factor in political life.

While I haven’t been regularly reading over the past year, my general impression is that Lucianne Goldberg, along with the rest of the Bushites and neocons, has been a Giuliani backer. It is what one would expect, given that the people who are most enthusiastic about Bush’s Iraq policy and his “war on terror” have also been united as in a mass behind Giuliani. But now—unbelievably—Lucianne is saying that support for Giuliani shows the same loss of moral values as was shown in the ’90s by support for Clinton. Which, of course, is what traditionalists like me have been arguing all along.

As I said last week, I have no idea why Rudy supporters are so suddenly and dramatically turning against him.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 02, 2007 02:43 PM | Send

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