Gosh, maybe there are Islamo-fascists after all

Mark Krikorian reports at the Corner that Palestinians are naming their sons “Hitler,” as in Hitler Salah, Hitler Abu-Alrab, and Hitler Mahmud Abu-Libda.

Don’t worry, folks! George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Ehud Olmert, and Tzipi Livni will fix all that, by giving the Palestinians their own state in Judea and Samaria.

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Ken Hechtman writes from Canada:

Krikorian’s source for this story is Itamar Marcus’s Palestine Media Watch, which I don’t consider reliable. Itamar Marcus is the guy who put out some incendiary claims about PA school textbooks that turned out not to be true. If you want a conservative, Zionist translation service for the Palestinian and Arab press, try Yigal Carmon and Meyrav Wurmser’s MEMRI. (yes, Meyrav is the wife of that Wurmser) The worst thing my side has ever called them is “Selective MEMRI.” We’ve put a lot of time into trying to prove they fabricated or mistranslated stories and we can’t do it. They cherry-pick and they imply that what they’ve cherry-picked is typical even if it isn’t. But that’s the worst of their sins. If they say a news story appeared, it did. If MEMRI picks up this Hitler story, I’ll believe it.

True story: I was in a Pakistani village, population 2500, that had five baby boys born in late 2001 all named Osama. There were twice as many 10 year old boys all named Saddam.

Leonard K. writes:

The fact that Arabs name their sons Hitler is not shocking at all, as it is consistent with their overall political environment.

More surprisingly, there are many Hitlers in the USA, most of them not Arabs, but Hispanics. The #1 killer name is:

Hitler Lenin Caballero (!!!) from Los Angeles.

Go to this site and enter First Name = Hitler State = California

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2007 11:49 AM | Send

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