Another ethnic faux pas blown out of proportion

Balducci’s Food Lover’s Market at 14th Street and Eighth Avenue in Manhattan advertised hams as “Delicious for Hanukkah.” Food derived from pork is, of course, non-kosher, and as soon as the store’s management was apprised of the embarrassing error, they changed the sign. Balducci’s director of marketing issued an apology at the company web site and said the company would be reviewing its employee training.

But it was too late to prevent the damage done to America’s most sensitive minority, as thousands of angry Jews, armed with clubs and knives, gathered in Times Square, chanting “Death to the grocer who insulted Judaism!”

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Terry Morris writes:

LOL. If this grocer is lucky he’ll only get 15 days in jail and expulsion from the country. Of course if that’s the case, Manhattan will have to be closed down for a month giving faithful Jews time for their anger over the light sentence, due to international pressure, to subside.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 08, 2007 09:42 AM | Send

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