Good review for Thompson—but does it matter?

There was another GOP “debate” today, and Philip Klein at the American Spectator says that Fred Thompson won hands down. “He was funny, charming, and peppy,” says Klein. Also, he made a strong impression by declining to raise his hand to answer a question from the moderator. “This is a wild presidential race, and Fred is not dead yet.”

That’s good, especially as Thompson is the only top-tier guy with a serious immigration position. But Thompson also participated in that Spanish-language debate on Univision over the weekend—indeed, he was the one who set off the stampede of candidates to accept Univision’s invitation several weeks ago. So, yes, Thompson refused to raise his hand like an obedient child to the moderator’s question in an English-language presidential debate, showing that he has some sense of his own dignity. But he didn’t refuse to appear in a Spanish-language presidential debate, showing that he has little sense of America’s dignity.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2007 08:00 PM | Send

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