Guess Who’s Coming to (the Race and IQ) Dinner?

Greco writes:

Did you know that your old pal Undercover Black Man has come out in support of a genetic basis for the IQ race gap?

LA replies:

On first thought, that’s very surprising. On second thought, it’s not surprising, given that he used to hang out at the AR discussion board, and also seemed hungry to discuss the subject with me, so he must have had some interest in those ideas beyond merely wanting to expose me and others as racists.

However, frankly, I wouldn’t advise anyone getting into a discussion with him on these topics, considering the way I responded to him in good faith and he then set about harming me.

Here is a collection of the articles on the whole David Mills event.

By the way, there’s a photo in the discussion page you sent, which, if it’s David Mills, he’s becoming whiter-looking than ever.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2007 08:04 PM | Send

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