The great gift of Christmas

Each year on Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man, into the world. The wonder of that world-renewing event affects us emotionally, in the ever-amazing Gospel narratives of the Nativity, and spiritually, as the miraculous entrance into the world of this child who is true man, man as he is meant to be, awakens in us the desire to follow him and be like him, and the belief that there is a life possible for us, life lived in and through Christ, that is infinitely greater and richer than the ordinary life we know. The anniversary of the birth of Jesus is thus also the occasion for the rebirth of our own true self.

- end of initial entry -

John D. writes:

Thank you for this, Lawrence. It is this sort of positivity and hopefulness specifically (which permeates much of your writing) that keeps me visiting your pages daily.

Merry Christmas.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 26, 2007 11:30 PM | Send

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