Romney picking up

John Hagan wrote to me on December 30:

Take this with a grain of salt, but I spent Saturday morning with several high level New Hampshire political operatives, one a major McCain backer, and Romney’s internal polls are showing a surge in Iowa and a stabilization in NH. Even the NH McCain guy admits that their internals are starting to stall. It’s still extremely volatile out there, so I suppose we will have to see how it all plays out. I’m very ambivalent about Mitt, but as of today I’m leaning toward voting for him as our most of my family and friends.

We had hoped Thompson would show us something, but he’s only been up here twice. I think Thompson would be the better leader, but he has no energy, or fight in him. I still don’t understand how a man like Mitt reaches 60 years old, and still, he is searching for his political center. On a personal level Mitt is an outstanding human being, and that counts for something. My uncle has done legal work for him and loves the guy. I own property in Belmont MA where Mitt lives, and have seen him around town over the years. He’s a very decent, and friendly individual. He looks like the best bet for the Republicans at this point.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2008 11:02 AM | Send

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