Conservatives and the Great Non-White Hope

Jeremy G. writes:

American Renaissance has published an interesting article on blacks and immigration reform. While it seems that blacks should be strong allies of immigration reform minded whites because blacks are the most directly impacted group, in reality, as the article shows, blacks remain largely unsupportive. Blacks’ indifference on immigration has parallels in other areas such as abortion, homosexual marriage, and school vouchers. Since blacks have no problem working with white liberals when their interests coincide, why won’t blacks work with conservative whites when our interests coincide? I think it’s because white liberals are tapping into something much stronger and deeper in blacks, namely black solidarity and resentment of whites. We can see the same trends at work in the failed Hispanic outreach efforts by white conservatives.

Most conservative whites still don’t get it because they don’t have the same sense of identity with their own race that blacks and Hispanics have with theirs. White conservatives will not give up their impossible minority outreach efforts until they have the same feeling of common peoplehood with other whites that blacks and Hispanics feel for their race.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 04, 2008 11:36 AM | Send

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