McCain and Romney, not in the same league

On C-SPAN, I’m seeing McCain, a physical and mental wreck of a human being, speaking at a campaign event on Monday. McCain’s wife, who eight years ago was an elegant lady somewhat younger than he, now looks like a teeny bopper with a long mop of dyed blond hair, looking 40 years younger than he. It is impossible to imagine that people would see McCain as a plausible GOP candidate or president of the U.S., or that they would want to vote for this guy so as to damage the candidacy of Romney, who can win and be president.

On the Web I’ve seen a good deal of the Sunday night GOP forum. Romney has so much going for him, he’s quick, he’s in command, he radiates the confidence of a leader, and he glows with, well, Christian benignity, even though he’s not a Christian. None of the other candidates is in his class. As I’ve said before, the only reason I can imagine for the inordinate negativity toward Romney is that people see him as a winner and as a conservative and they feel they must bring him down.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 08, 2008 09:59 AM | Send

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