Giuliani campaign quite, quite down

Th’ expectancy and rose of the fair state …
Th’ observed of all observers, quite, quite down!
— Ophelia, in Hamlet, Act III, Scene 1.

In an amazing reversal of fortune, the New York Daily News and the New York Post reported yesterday that the Giuliani campaign is no longer paying its top staffers, that the campaign only has $7 million left, that it is sinking all $7 million into the Florida primary, and that Florida is do-or-die for Rudy. What happened to Rudy’s long-time commanding lead in the Super Tuesday states, that famous lead that virtually assured his nomination, that lead that for month after month made prominent conservatives refrain from criticizing him or looking for a better candidate? Gone with the wind.

According to another Daily New story, “Republican strategists estimate that it will cost roughly $35 million to run one week of heavy levels of ads in the two dozen states that hold contests on Feb. 5.” As of September, the same story tells us, the Giuliani campaign had raised $45 million. Yet now it has only $7 million? What happened to the $45 million? Gone with the wind.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 13, 2008 04:20 PM | Send

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