Malkin on Hillary

Here is a piece I’ve mentioned before but hadn’t linked, Michelle Malkin’s hate column against Hillary Clinton from last Wednesday, the day following Hillary’s comeback in the New Hampshire primary. Based on the universal predictions of a big Obama win, Malkin evidently expected that the curse of Clintonism was about to be expunged from our national life, so when Hillary defied the predictions and eked out a victory, Malkin was driven over the edge. In this column she portrays every single thing about Hillary Clinton, even the most ordinary and normal, as dishonest, calculating, hateful, and disgusting. (Similarly unpleasant reactions, though not as nearly as intense as this, have accompanied Mitt Romney’s comeback from his endlessly and eagerly predicted demise.)

In the past I’ve protested it when people said that the supposed Clinton hatred of the ’90s was the equivalent of the demented Bush hatred of the ’00s. But lately I’ve seen statements by conservatives that do seem demented, and the conservatives need to watch it, or they will descend into the same depths of politically useless mania where the Democrats have resided for the last seven years.

- end of initial entry -

Spencer Warren writes:

I join another reader in questioning your politeness toward this woman, an accessory to rape after the fact, among many crimes and immoral activity of which she is guilty.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 17, 2008 12:03 AM | Send

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